Unify IT & Standards Based Pro Audio Devices

Help Fast-Track AES70py

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AES70py Project Roadmap 2024 - 2025

Project Planning

During the first part of 2024, the project planning was conducted. In the figure above, Project Roadmap 2024 - 2025, the stages represent an estimate of effort and completeness.

The following outlines each stage in more detail.

Specialist Coding - Support Needed

The Python Library design and core protocol and low level data handling code is being hand-written to provide optimal performance and reflect current and emerging python best practices, such as straight through (synchronous) and async support, type annotations to aid developer efficiency, to name a few. This is the main labour intensive part of the project completeness roadmap, requiring a good understanding of the current and future state of Python.

Library Generation - Sponsored

The high level representation of the many OCA classes defined in AES70 will be automatically generated from the standards specifications and core protocol support. DeusO GmbH generates the high level library source code from the work delivered by Bill Welliver. Generating library code from the specification allows future updates to be handled in a timely and error-free manner.

Beta & Packaging - Support Needed

Testing, Example preparation, and a release is packaged. Testers are invited to use the updates, change logs and release notes are prepared, and other administrative tasks.

Software Release - Sponsored

Our hope once released is for the technical team, sponsors and users to work together on the promotion of AES70py, showcasing use cases with AES70 in the spotlight.

Administration - How we've structured the contribution process

Sponsorship administration is handled via Matt Hardy. Matt will facilitate sponsorship details and liaise with Welliver Technologies (LLC). Tax Receipts are provided by Welliver Technologies, and the sponsor's contribution is allocated to the project time budgets. Matt Hardy is also the liaison officer for organising promotion material, certificates and other recognition activities.

There are a number of processes involved in generating an AES70 library.
Your financial support will help us release a high quality, MIT licensed software library.

Sponsorship Packages

Gold Sponsor

  • Framed Gold Seal Certificate for your own display
  • Large Website Logo with link to official website
  • Acknowledgement in articles, social media posts, trade show presentations, and promotion by word-of-mouth
  • Access to the technical development team
  • Conditional early bird access to software library releases
  • Gold Support Package: Unlock 8hrs support for your team during initial adoption and integration, valued at USD 1480, FREE
    * conditions apply

The Gold Sponsor status is unlocked at 6k USD. This can be by lump sum or spread over 3 monthly payments. Promotion of Gold Sponsors on the website and general acknowledgement in articles on the project is ongoing, for as long as the AES70py project is actively developed.

Silver Sponsor

  • Printed Silver Seal Certificate
  • Medium Website Logo with link to official website
  • Acknowledgement in articles, social media posts, trade show presentations and promotion by word-of-mouth
  • Conditional early bird access to software library releases
  • Silver Support Package: Unlock 4hrs support for your team during initial adoption and integration, valued at USD 740, FREE
    * conditions apply

The Silver Sponsor status is unlocked at 3k USD. This can be by lump sum or spread over 3 monthly payments. Promotion of Silver Sponsors on the website is ongoing, for as long as the AES70py project is actively developed.

Community Sponsor

  • Digital Certificate of Recognition
  • Website Logo with link to official website
  • Acknowledgement social media posts and promotion by word-of-mouth
  • Conditional early bird access to software library releases

The Community Sponsor status is unlocked at 250 USD. This can be by lump sum payments. Community Sponsors' logos remain on the website for as long as the AES70py project is actively developed. Community Sponsors are welcome to contribute any amount up to Silver Sponsor level.

Estimates of sponsorship required to achieve a production ready version 1.0 release, by Quarter 2 2025, is about 25k USD. The version 1.0 release will provide Control & Monitoring functionality. Additional funding will provide time allocations to bring even more features to the library.

Sponsorship in no way confers ownership or other rights over the software or resulting libraries released by the AES70py project technical team.
Any sponsor and anyone with access to AES70py can use the library in accordance to the MIT license which accompanies the software.

* Conditions for free support offer:

  1. Support hours are available during the first 6 months from release date of the library, Version 1.0, or, if sponsorship received after release, 6 months from receipt of sponsorship.
  2. Support is limited to software explanation, basic examples e.g., HOWTOs, and fault finding - Support is not to be used for any production coding and examples provided through support shall not be copied verbatim into production systems without consent of the author.
  3. Support is limited in time, Gold Sponsor 8hrs, Silver Sponsor 4hrs. Any time exceeding the free allowance is charged and governed by different terms and conditions.
  4. Support conditions can update without notice.